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A Golden Future with Offshore Wind California, American Shoreline Podcast Network, June 28, 2021 (1 hr. 7 min.)
On this episode, Peter Ravella and Tyler Buckingham continue their coverage of the offshore wind energy boom occurring around the American Shoreline, this time focusing on the exciting plans already in the works to bring offshore wind to the Golden State. Joining the show is the executive director of Offshore Wind California, Adam Stern, a California-based environmental and climate leader with more than 25 years of experience in nonprofits, business, and government. Get to know Adam and his organization as we discuss the importance of offshore wind in CA, federal and state management and policy strategies, and what future offshore wind development means for the California shoreline.

Norton Rose Fulbright Currents Podcast: Offshore Wind in California, March 30, 2021 (20 min.)
Adam Stern, executive director of Offshore Wind California, and Jim Berger, partner at Norton Rose Fulbright, join us to discuss prospects and growing momentum for offshore wind power in California. We start with an overview of progress to harness offshore wind in the US, the potential to bring this renewable energy technology to California, what it would mean for clean power, jobs and climate in the Golden State, new legislative initiatives as well as hurdles and financing to develop offshore wind in California, and how much this new industry is expected to grow in the next 10 years.